Why the World and GRM must celebrate the 4th of June ?


This day is important in Guta Ra Mwari and the world at large. This day will be remembered and celebrated through out all generations forever. It is a special day here on earth as it is in Heaven. According to the 12 lessons and 52 chapters of God's work, Autobiography, Chapter 1, the Holy Host was born on the 4th of June 1920, in Zambia, Livingstone. His father was originally a soldier but at the time of his birth a policeman with the Northern Rhodesia Police. He contracted an ailment at a young age that led Him to stay with his mother in the wild for sometime, indicating He could have contracted an infectious disease. They went to Ndola where His father bought a farm. In 1930 His mother passed on and the Holy Host arose to care for His younger sisters and brother. The youngest child was only a few months old when the mother passed on. The child was sent to be taken care of by His uncles in Kasama but however later passed on.

Below is a timeline of events that were experienced by the Holy Host.

4 June 1920- The Holy Host is born in Zambia Livingstone.

1923- Esnath Chanda Tayali is born.

1925- Annah Chibulu Tayali is born.

1928- Alfred Alexander Tayali is born.

The father and the youngest pass on

1935- The Holy Host develops a painful leg problem.

1937- The Holy Host works as pupil teacher on holidays.

1939- The Holy Host goes to Munali Training Centre in Lusaka for Education

1940- The Holy Host works as a clerk in the army at Motor Training Driving School.

1941- The Host starts training on a course on Medical Orderly but did not complete course left at 1943.

1943- The Holy Host gets a job as a microscopist.

25 December 1943- The Holy Host arrives in Zimbabwe, Kadoma. Starts working at Kadoma Hospital as a government employee.

1945- The Holy Host meets Miss Laiza Saika a nurse, fall in love and get married that same year.

1946- The Holy Host transferred to Filabusi Hospital, the first born dies of a headache (fontanelle).

1951- The Holy Host is now transferred to Esigodini. They visit a herbalist in Botswana who gives them a poison that leads to a 5 months abortion by the mother of the house Laiza. The breasts ran dry of milk leading to another sickness.

1952- Starts work at the Bulawayo Mucipal Council as a clerk. Had children, Juliet and Gladding.

26 November 1954, Phoebe is born with genital deformities.

1955- Family decides to go to Guta Ra Mwari in Seke where healing is expected to take place.

Surprisingly the breasts started to give out milk the day before they had been attended to.

Phoebe is treated and cured and starts to develop femininity.

Organises House-Prayer-meetings for Guta Ra Mwari members.

Chosen to be the leader of the Bulawayo branch.

1956-1958- The Holy Host wakes up every morning to first go mix mortar at the building site of the Holy Holies. The building ends in 1958 and the then Holy Host of God is invited to their branch.

1958- Buys a glazed door, mat and handkerchief for the then Holy Host of God.

1960 - December 25, the then Holy Host of God passes on. God Promises that He will Return in 40 days.

1961- God fulfils His Promise, the Holy Host is incarnated on Tuesday 31 January 1961.

This is a partial account of life of the Holy Host which shows the path leading Him to join Guta Ra Mwari. It shows how God may prepare those He chooses to use on earth. It is clear that the life of the Holy Host was not easy but only the One who was strengthened could surpass the obstacles that had been set for Him. We praise God that Salvation was delivered to Africa and the world, which did not come easy hence we rejoice on the 4th of June to remember how far God has loved us with His grace. Everyone in the world must become aware of this day and rejoice together.


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