Youths are taught to live righteously at Guta Ra Mwari

By Elder Zenzo Madubeko-Sibanda

God places youths at the heart of the Guta Ra Mwari religion and teaches them to live righteously to be safe from harmful spirits. He teaches that a child is the first and most important gift that He gives in a marriage. Children bring joy to a couple and continuity to the family. With each generation of children born at Guta Ra Mwari, the family is healed further, and life brings possibilities like never before. To enjoy these blessings that God has kept for them, youths are taught to live a life that preserves the Holy Spirit within them.

The Wednesday Service is led by youths at Guta Ra Mwari as God has Ordered. Youths teach and learn from each other about God’s Will and the benefits of living according to it. Spending time knowing God and understanding the purpose of His teachings in their lives is cherished by youths with guidance from adult duty bearers. This way, from a young age, children at Guta Ra Mwari grow their roots in God’s Will and realise greater healing and blessings than generations before them. Living life according to God’s design protects youths from behaviours and temptations that draw harmful spirits to their soul. The Holy Spirit protects a soul that lives according to God’s Will.

God teaches youths that their parents are their first channel to Him. He teaches that they must always love and respect themselves. In turn, parents are taught to love and respect their children for they are a gift from God which must be kept in a loving home. Youths are taught the dangers of drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking habit-forming drugs. Both girls and boys are taught to preserve their virginity and patiently wait until marriage. Those who succeed are celebrated and honoured for being strong soldiers in a difficult battle with temptation. Those who don’t succeed are taught to dust themselves up and not repeat the misdeed as this puts them at risk. These teachings help youths avoid premarital sex which can bring physical and spiritual harm to their lives. Celebrating chastity is a revival of African tradition that values the protection of youth and preservation for marriage. 

At Guta Ra Mwari, youths’ are taught to live righteously because they are the future of a trouble-free human race.

Come and join Guta Ra Mwari.

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