Dating in Guta RaMwari

By Elder M Ncube

Today we discuss dating and challenges that confront the youth during  the dating stage within the context of Guta RaMwari. Guta RaMwari is a religion with teachings and Standing Orders of God and there is a strict demand of adherence to them.

Both the young and old need to abide by God's teachings and make them their way of life. In future we will focus solely on God's purpose for his children through these Holy Teachings and Standing Orders. Today's focus is solely on dating.

We start with the Standing Order and teachings that require that all His children in Guta RaMwari should  lead a chaste life. In fulfilment of such life there is a need for our youth to abstain from sexual activities until marriage. God demands of the youth to preserve their virginity and subject themselves to an annual virginity inspection during harvest period (Isivuno). Virginity is a state of sexual purity that once lost, can never be regained. It is scorned upon for a youth to willfully give away this state of being or for anyone to rob a child/youth of their virginity. 

As youth, you are taught of the sanctity of virginity. Similarly, you are taught that virginity inspection is not an end on its own but the means to leading a chaste life. An understanding of this way of life may of necessity raise a question on what then becomes of non-virgins. It is a reality that among the youth in the religion, some would, for various reasons, have lost their virginity.

Since a lost virginity can never be regained, such youths, like virgin-youths, are taught and capacitated to abstain from sexual intercourse. This is motivated by an aspiration for chastity, a state of spiritual purity desired by all God fearing people. In the life of a youth, there comes a time to start dating. To begin with, you are encouraged to delay this stage while focusing on building your careers through education. 

Secondly, once you start dating, you should do it with marriage in mind. As such, dating becomes a building block towards marriage. It is a process where you look for compatibility with a prospective.

During dating, you are not expected to engage in sexual activities as this is a preserve for the married. The teaching of a registered envelope becomes a beacon of what all youth should aim to achieve.  Similarly, virginity becomes an integral part of what our religion expects from our youth.

Since the intention behind dating is marriage, patience becomes a virtue. Moral uprightness is vital, hence any deviant action by either party should not be tolerated. The search for a compatible partner may be lonesome for one however, never be fearful as God's will is at play.  Do not be pressured to give up on your quest for chastity by pleasing the wickedness of an incompatible dating partner. 

In this way, you are bound to be resilient even against greater challenges in your life later on in marriage.

May God be with you as you strive for righteousness especially during the dating period of your lives. 


Elder Mpumelelo Ncube is a member of Guta RaMwari who grew up and went through his youth in the religion.

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