The Record Series: Why we should be active in Guta Ra Mwari even in times of hardships

In the hushed echoes of a world grappling with uncertainty, a profound journey into enlightenment embarked on the 30th of March 2020. This inaugural chapter, "Khuthalani abantu basile," resonated not just as a lesson but as a resounding call to action for the healing of souls. Butholezwe Matshazi, unfolded the narrative, while Mengezi Thwala set the tone with a soul-stirring prayer. In a divine symphony, Elder I. Charamba and Evangelist E.D Nkatha echoed the divine standing orders, weaving summaries and conclusions that would shape the essence of lessons to come. This was not merely a recording; it was the genesis of a transformative odyssey, where spirituality and guidance converged with unwavering purpose. This session was administrated by Zibusiso D. Ndlovu.

As we delve into the profound lessons of that pivotal day, it becomes imperative to unravel the essence encapsulated in the very theme: "Khuthalani abantu basile" or "Be active so that people get healed." The crux lies in understanding the profound significance of being 'active' — an adjective hailing from the Latin activus, rooted in actus, which denotes "a doing." To be active, in this context, transcends mere passivity; it beckons a dynamic involvement in the relentless pursuit of salvation.

To fathom what it means to be active, we navigate through the linguistic labyrinth and unearth its true connotation — an ongoing commitment to the work of salvation without respite. The multifaceted facets of this sacred endeavor encompass prayerful devotion, active participation in services, the bestowal of gifts, evangelical outreach, testimonial narratives of divine interventions in our lives, harmonious worship with fellow seekers, the rhythmic resonance of Holy drums, and myriad other expressions encapsulated within the sanctified realm of Guta Ra Mwari.

Guided by the profound teachings outlined in the Guta Ra Mwari's sacred texts, specifically in the Standing Orders and God's teachings, Combined Volumes, Topic 328, titled "Khuthalani abantu basile," a resounding revelation emerges. God emphatically asserts that His soldiers must not waver or tire in the sacred duty of salvation. In the face of challenges, akin to those who seek honey amidst the sting of bees, steadfastness is paramount. Resilience becomes the beacon, for in the pursuit of salvation, the benefits far outweigh the temporary tribulations.

This unwavering commitment is exemplified by the Chosen 12 families, shining as paragons of resolution. Through their indefatigable efforts, a multitude was drawn into the embrace of Guta Ra Mwari. Their resoluteness serves as a beacon, illuminating the path for God's children to persevere, not only for their own salvation but as beacons guiding others to seek the divine sanctuary of Guta Ra Mwari.

In the eloquence of Butholezwe's discourse, a profound truth echoed through the chambers of our collective consciousness: the work of salvation transcends personal gratification; it is a sacred endeavor for the healing of multitudes earnestly seeking salvation.

As the discourse unfolded, a tapestry of questions and illuminating responses emerged, shedding light on the essence of Guta Ra Mwari and its enduring power:

  1. Will Guta Ra Mwari cease to exist if the work of salvation falters? The resounding response reverberated with a profound revelation—the power within Guta Ra Mwari operates automatically, an inexhaustible force. The discourse illuminated that the continuity of Guta Ra Mwari is not contingent on external circumstances; rather, it hinges on individual choices. One's actions, whether virtuous or detrimental, hold the key to the preservation or termination of the sacred connection with God. The Holy Spirit is the one which must be preserved in order to keep that relationship intact.
  2. How can we manifest our dedication to the work of salvation amid a global pandemic and lockdowns? The response unfurled a captivating narrative woven with God's standing orders. It unveiled a profound truth: as God's children, we carry the Holy Spirit wherever we tread, an omnipresent force that transcends physical constraints. Even in the confines of our homes during lockdowns, we possess the ability to invoke the divine. The arsenal of spiritual weapons was unveiled—donning the Holy Armour, singing hymns, fervent prayers, the sanctifying touch of holy water, and active participation in online service programs.

As the echoes of wisdom resonated, Elder I. Charamba stepped forward to distill the essence of the lesson, affirming its significance as a catalyst for fortifying the resilience of the youth in their unwavering commitment to the work of salvation. He underscored the pivotal role of the youth, bearing the Holy Spirit within, a magnetic force destined to draw others into the fold of Guta Ra Mwari.

In elucidating the timeless nature of Guta Ra Mwari, Elder I. Charamba dispelled any notions of its cessation. It is not subject to temporal constraints but rather sustained by the perennial presence of the Holy Spirit, an enduring force since the inception of Guta Ra Mwari. The onus, he emphasized, rests upon the shoulders of God's children to seek and pray for inclusion in Guta Ra Mwari, ensuring its perpetuity across the tapestry of generations within our bloodlines.

Evangelist E.D Nkatha, adding his profound insights to the discourse, expounded on the multifaceted meaning of being active. It transcends the spiritual realm, extending to victorious living both spiritually and physically. The radiance of such activity, he illuminated, serves as a beacon visible even to those at a distance, an enlightening force that transcends boundaries.

Furthermore, Evangelist E.D Nkatha extended a heartfelt encouragement to the youth, urging them not only to be active in the sacred work of salvation but to encompass the diligence of home chores and academic pursuits. In this holistic approach to life, the youth can truly embody the transformative power of being active in all facets of their existence.

The inaugural discussion drew to a close, marked by the success of its revelations and insights. This serves as a prelude to the unfolding chapters of The Record, a special series promising deeper revelations and profound discussions. As we embark on this journey, may God's wisdom continue to abound among His children, fostering an unwavering commitment to the work of salvation. In the radiant light of such dedication, may hearts be enlightened, and souls find solace in the embrace of salvation.


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