Reflections from the International Youth Seminar 2023

The theme of this year's seminar is "ukwakha abantwana abalothando, ukuthula lokukhalipha".
Evangelist K. Ndlovu's opening emphasized the importance of dedication to the religion the love of the region, overlooking the problems one might have.

The first 1st panel discussion was on alcohol and substance abuse. The discussions are very lively but it all comes to that, in as much as we don't take alcohol and substances we are exposed to alcohol in our day to day lives , from medicines like cough syrups, and it is now within us to use that for its intended purpose. Evangelist U.M Tshuma enlightened that we have spiritual protection within us and we have to stand by the ethics of GRM and the Standing Orders. It is that spiritual protection in the Holy Spirit that keeps us healthy therefore we must guard what we take in our bodies. Substance abuse is not only a physical problem but also a spiritual challenge that erodes the Holy Spirit and make us open to other spiritual challenges.

The second panel discussion dwelled more on depression. Depression being a mental uneasiness that leads to feelings of unworthy, loss of interest in socializing and doing things one used to love.
During the discussion I was left educated that we are well equiped in fighting depression using the tools that we have at our disposal e.g the GRM teachings and literature.

Depression was also viewed as a spiritual disease. We have to ask from God either through delivering in the Holy Arch and emphasis on being specific to what is really troubling you. One may also speak to youth coordinators or even Coordinator International himself that way you will actually be speaking to God through the Holy Spirits invested in them, we should feel very comfortable in doing so. In conclusion I learnt that we should be intentional in everything we do; to be intentionally happy.

Melisa Mabhena is part of the youth in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

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