The Record Series: To Love Righteousness
Nicolle Dube

On the 31st of March 2020, Nicolle Dube from the Makokoba Branch delivered a profound lesson on righteousness. The essence of being righteous, as she eloquently conveyed, goes beyond mere morality; it involves maintaining moral uprightness and embodying good values with the deliberate intention to do what is right. Drawing insights from the Standing Orders and God's Teachings, specifically Topic 122 - Thandani ukulunga and Topic 46 - umntwana olungileyo (a righteous child), In the lesson it shows that God emphasized that a righteous child is one who has achieved mastery over oneself and is not easily swayed by external influences to embrace worldly temptations. The lesson underscored the peril associated with indulging in the allure of worldly pleasures, revealing their long-term repercussions. Furthermore, Nicolle highlighted the divine perspective, asserting that as a Guta RaMwari child filled with the Holy Spirit, one may be perceived as an adversary by those immersed in worldly activities, hindering them from their pursuits as a beacon of righteousness. This session was administrated by Ruvimbo Mukona.

  1. What is a righteous child ?

Embarking on the journey of righteousness is not just a display of virtuous actions; it is an intimate connection with the divine. The discussion on what actions signify a child of God being righteous unveiled profound insights and a roadmap for spiritual fulfillment. At the core of righteousness lies the unwavering commitment to follow God's standing orders, embodying a moral code that transcends the ordinary. A righteous child is distinguished by a genuine and compassionate heart, extending goodwill towards others and radiating positivity in every interaction.

Respecting parents, not as a duty but as a heartfelt commitment, emerges as a cornerstone of righteousness. The discourse emphasized that humility, coupled with willingly performing home duties and participating in Guta Ra Mwari activities, signifies a deeper connection with one's spiritual path. Importantly, righteousness is not a grand spectacle for public acclaim; it is a personal relationship with God, nurtured through a genuine adherence to principles.

Drawing inspiration from Topic 46 of the Combined Volumes, specific actions were outlined as markers of a righteous child. Living a holy life becomes a sacred duty, intertwined with respect for parents and others within the religious community. The ability to accept constructive correction, engaging in commendable deeds, and embodying truthfulness further define the righteous path. This journey is devoid of envy that leads to wrongdoing; instead, a righteous child embraces positive influences and adheres to God's standing orders.

The importance of influencing others positively, handling responsibilities lawfully, and creating a life in harmony with standing orders is underscored. Such actions not only bring joy to the divine but also position the righteous child as a cherished gift to their parents. The reciprocal relationship between righteous living and divine blessings is eloquently emphasized, showcasing the transformative power of adherence to principles.

2. Are we suppose to have friends outside Guta Ra Mwari ?

Navigating friendships as a youth in Guta Ra Mwari carries a unique set of considerations, as the values and spiritual alignments within the community may differ significantly from those outside. While the inclination is often towards fostering connections within Guta Ra Mwari, circumstances may arise where one finds themselves in the company of friends who don't share the same spiritual path. In such instances, transparency becomes a cornerstone for maintaining harmonious relationships.

The importance of unveiling one's identity as a member of Guta Ra Mwari to external friends cannot be overstated. By openly sharing their beliefs, values, and the intricacies of their Guta Ra Mwari lifestyle, youth can set clear boundaries and define the limits within their friendships. This transparency is not just a safeguard for the individual but also an opportunity to showcase the beauty of the Guta Ra Mwari lifestyle to those outside the community.

Honesty about one's spiritual journey can serve as a powerful testimony, allowing friends to witness the transformative influence of the Holy Spirit. When individuals proudly embrace their Guta Ra Mwari identity, it not only strengthens their sense of self but also offers an authentic glimpse into the positive aspects of the spiritual path they follow. This openness can, in turn, pique the interest of friends who may be curious about Guta Ra Mwari and its teachings.

It is crucial to recognize the profound impact of individual actions on the course of our lives, the friendships we cultivate, and the spiritual environment we immerse ourselves in. The adage, 'Show me your friends, I will know who you are,' underscores the significance of conscious choices in shaping the people we attract into our lives. Assessing our actions becomes a reflective exercise in understanding the energies we emit and the connections we forge.

In essence, fostering friendships outside Guta Ra Mwari is not discouraged; rather, it is an opportunity for positive influence and a chance to illuminate the virtues of one's spiritual lifestyle. By being true to oneself and transparent about the Guta Ra Mwari way of life, youth can bridge the gap between spiritual communities, potentially fostering understanding and appreciation for the path they've chosen.

The concluding remarks from Elder S. Ndlovu and Evangelist E.D Nkatha added a profound layer to the discussion on righteousness within the Guta Ra Mwari community. Elder S. Ndlovu, with a gentle wisdom, underscored the inherent blessings in aligning our lives with what God loves. She emphasized that righteousness, at its core, involves following God's teachings and extending these principles to our homes, where good teachings are paramount. Respecting parents and oneself as a child emerged as essential facets of righteousness, emphasizing the interconnectedness of familial and spiritual values.

Elder S. Ndlovu went on to highlight the responsibility each Guta Ra Mwari youth bears in seeking guidance from God consistently. In a nuanced distinction, she pointed out that while something may be good, it doesn't necessarily equate to righteousness. The importance of delving into Topic 46 from the Combined Volumes was emphasized, urging the youth to engage in a profound study to deepen their understanding of righteous living.

Her poignant reminder resonated with the youth: as members of Guta Ra Mwari, they carry a luminous responsibility. Just as light spreads, so do the consequences of their actions, whether righteous or otherwise. The call to choose righteousness echoed as a beacon, urging the youth to contribute to a world saturated with virtue.

Evangelist E.D Nkatha, in a cautionary note, directed the youth to choose their friends wisely, echoing the age-old adage that we are known by the company we keep. His emphasis on the exhaustion of the topic of righteousness underscored the depth to which the community had delved into this crucial aspect of their spiritual journey. The concluding plea, requesting God's intervention in ending an unknown pandemic through the prayers of righteous children, added a layer of communal responsibility.


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