The Record Series: The departed family members get healed through you Guta RaMwari Child.

Before delving into our discussion, it is crucial to grasp, in essence, the intricacies of how the human body functions. The physical form, often referred to as the flesh, is intricately intertwined with the spiritual dimension—the soul, or, in this case, "You." It's imperative to recognize that a person's soul is not the solitary spirit inhabiting a single body; rather, there exist diverse spirits that may coexist within one individual. Among these are opportunistic spirits, family spirits, and regional spirits, all capable of cohabiting with the soul simultaneously. Additionally, there are spirits divinely assigned by God, including the Holy Spirit and specific Messengers, each bestowed with unique gifts such as healing, prophecy, and evangelism, in accordance with God's divine will. Understanding this spiritual lesson is fundamental to navigating our forthcoming discussion.

The discussion that transpired on April 2, 2020, was predominantly centered around the concept of Hereditary Spirits, commonly referred to as family spirits. Within this framework, the spirits of departed family members possess the capacity to inhabit the bodies of living family members, provided they belong to the same bloodline. The phenomenon unfolds within the confines of a specific family totem, making it unnatural for a family member, who departed long ago, to manifest in the body of an individual from a different familial lineage. This intriguing occurrence becomes evident when a particular family member exhibits behavior or undergoes ailments that closely mirror those of their predecessors from generations past. Such instances serve as a compelling testament to the enduring and interconnected nature of familial spirits.

Within Guta Ra Mwari, as God's children, we are bestowed with the profound blessing of the Holy Spirit, coexisting within our bodies alongside the soul. When a departed family member takes residence within a Guta Ra Mwari member, the spiritual influence manifests in tangible, physical actions. Consider, for instance, an individual within the spiritual community who, during their earthly existence, suffered severe headaches. Should another member be inhabited by the spirit of this departed relative, a parallel experience of intense headaches may unfold. However, the unique advantage within Guta Ra Mwari lies in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Devoted to the work of salvation, the Guta Ra Mwari child carrying the spirit undergoes a cleansing process, breaking the cycle of affliction within the bloodline. This transcends beyond mere alleviation; it is the annulment of generational curses, a profound healing that extends to various serious illnesses within the spiritual community. While this journey demands patience and unwavering devotion, it is essential to grasp that the Holy Spirit abides in bodies aligned with the principles of holiness. Non-compliance with divine directives may lead the Holy Spirit to withdraw, leaving one without its protective covering. This fundamental understanding is pivotal for attuning oneself to the teachings delivered by Nobuhle Ndlovu.

Alphios Mdlongwa opened the session with a soulful touching prayer. The session was moderated by Sicelo Dlodlo. Nobuhle Ndlovu delivered the lesson  titled “Abakwenu abahambayo belatshwa ngawe” meaning those of your family lineage who have long departed get healed through you.

In the profound lesson unfolded, God unveils the transformative power of receptive minds, asserting that those attuned to His teachings are enriched with the knowledge they receive. An illustrative account narrates the experience of a particular mother who, having long been a member of Guta Ra Mwari adorned in the uniform, entered the Holy Ark expressing her pain. God's revelation unfolded, explicating that upon entering Guta Ra Mwari, the immediate cessation of the pain occurs, marking the commencement of a spiritual healing journey. However, it is elucidated that subsequent instances of discomfort may arise while a member is in Guta Ra Mwari. This phenomenon is attributed to an extensive lineage of departed family members seeking healing, finding refuge in one's body. When a member, who departed without receiving healing or the Holy Spirit, arrives, their presence manifests in various deeds such as physical pain. In the divine realm of Guta Ra Mwari, God orchestrates healing for these lingering spirits, ending the pain they inflict upon the host member.

God, in His divine guidance, emphasizes that Soldiers of God seeking healing in the prayer hall should comprehend that some may proceed to the Holy Ark for additional healing. However, God cautions that such actions may suggest a lack of fulfillment, courage, and patience. In response, God imparts the wisdom that faith in the omnipotent power within Guta Ra Mwari should be unwavering and universal. As God's cherished children, it is incumbent upon us to recognize the profound blessing bestowed upon us, acknowledging that not all share in the privileges of being God's children. God encourages an active engagement in sharing testimonies, stressing the significance of testifying to the blessings bestowed upon us in our daily lives. A call is made to reject complacency in sharing these testimonies, as silence in this regard fails to reflect the vibrant era of power and beauty we inhabit. God urges His children to be open about the gifts and wishes they hold, highlighting that the descended power can utilize Soldiers of God to further propel the work of salvation within the sacred realm of Guta Ra Mwari.

The Forum delved deeper into the discussion, yielding a myriad of insightful outcomes. A pivotal question emerged: How can departed family members find healing within Guta Ra Mwari? The resounding consensus emphasized the proactive involvement of Guta Ra Mwari children in the work of salvation. It was underscored that individual resilience against earthly temptations is paramount, necessitating steadfast convictions in the pursuit of righteousness. Drawing a poignant example, if a departed family member grappled with alcoholism in their past life, the spiritual manifestation of such tendencies might become apparent in the host body. To ensure the cleansing and healing of the family member's spirit, self-awareness becomes crucial. Guta Ra Mwari provides various spiritual avenues, and the focused individual must utilize them diligently. One such avenue is reporting observed manifestations at the gate clerks, although this aspect will be expounded upon later. Regarding the duration of healing, a nuanced understanding was emphasized, acknowledging the diverse levels of stubbornness among different spirits. While some may experience healing sooner than others, the ultimate assurance lies in the divine intervention of God, who heals all illnesses according to His will and in various ways.

Within a lineage, the specter of hereditary ailments or diseases, recurring through generations, is a phenomenon that Guta Ra Mwari addresses through a divine healing principle crafted by God. This principle serves as a transformative force, breaking the shackles of generational curses or bondages that may have originated from ancestors dwelling on earth in bygone eras. Families, in their journey within Guta Ra Mwari, are encouraged to fervently implore God for the cleansing of their lineage, seeking liberation from any lingering curses that may have permeated their families. Additionally, a noteworthy revelation surfaces—that individuals who, in their earthly existence, amassed good deeds can perpetuate those benevolent actions even after departing. When such virtuous spirits inhabit a body, the resultant actions reflect the positive deeds performed in their past. Remarkably, the healing power extends beyond spiritual afflictions; even those who, despite their goodness, did not receive the Holy Spirit in their earthly life can partake in this divine healing, ensuring the continuation of good deeds within the family lineage.

Evangelist N. Tshuma then at the time Elder N. Tshuma, eloquently encapsulated the essence of the discussion. Initiating with a heartfelt expression of praise to God for the invaluable opportunity to delve into profound lessons, Elder N. Tshuma directed attention to the comprehensive knowledge encapsulated in the Combined Volumes topic "Amadlozi lokugeziswa kwawo." He likened our bodies to vessels for spiritual cleansing, emphasizing the need for vigilance in physical interactions to avoid unwittingly attracting unfamiliar spirits. Reminding the forum of God's promise to stand by those who entrust Him, he reassured Soldiers of God facing challenges that such trials might signify a cleansing of spirits. God, in His omnipotence, assures healing from all troubles. Concluding the summary with a profound insight, Elder N. Tshuma highlighted the perpetual journey of the soul, asserting that a soul never truly dies but seeks another body within its family lineage. Therefore, the imperative to remain within Guta Ra Mwari alongside children and family members becomes paramount for spiritual harmony and continuity.

Evangelist E.D. Nkatha shared a straightforward yet impactful lesson, affirming its relevance to our lives as an undeniable truth. He emphasized the simple principle that individuals return to our bodies in a state similar to their departure. Encouraging fellow God's children, he urged a focus on seeking healing and active participation in God's work. In the current situation of staying at home, he advocated contentment with the healing methods available. Expressing praise for the various forms of healing God provides, Evangelist Nkatha cautioned against laziness in carrying out God's work for salvation. The importance of encouraging relatives to join Guta Ra Mwari was highlighted, underscoring the connection between departed family members and our bodies. He stressed the key role of being active and discerning, particularly when experiencing pain, linking it to the presence of specific spirits. Using a simple analogy, he likened our bodies to bathing dishes, emphasizing the importance of keeping them spiritually clean through wholehearted participation in the work of salvation.


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