Senior Youth Harare Seminar 2023

By Vigilant Sebata

Theme: "Empowering the youth to establish financial stability in Guta RaMwari"

Venue: Mudziyashe Resort, located at 2828 Enterprise Road, Helensvale

Date: October 28-29, 2023


The headquarters honored the invitation from the Harare branch where the senior youth seminar is held annually in October. This year the HQ had a maximum of 65 senior youths and 11 youth educators trippling last year's number. The event brought together enthusiastic youth members and influential facilitators who shared valuable insights on wealth creation, financial stability, courtship, and relationship challenges.

The theme‘Empowering the youth to establish financial stability in Guta Ra Mwari' highlighted the critical need to equip senior  individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to attain financial stability.  Recognizing the potential of the youth as future leaders and change-makers, empowering them to establish financial stability becomes a pivotal step in ensuring a strong and sustainable future for Guta Ra Mwari.

The seminar began with an opening prayer from Holy messenger H Zingwe. The tone of the event was set by Evangelist E Churu who delivered the opening remarks followed by the Coordinator International's speech made in his absence physically. The attendees were then treated to a captivating entertainment song from Bulawayo delegates, which added vibrancy to the event.

The seminar covered two main topics, ‘Wealth creation and understanding financial stability’, which was the first topic to be  presented by elder Y Nleya. Elder B Chibanda facilitated the second topic,‘Courtship and Relationship challenges’. 

On the first topic, the Elder outlined the following laws that may help in wealth creation.

  • Law 1: One must not get to a point of saying  I have enough money. The Elder encouraged us that one should use a ‘funnel system’ where income increases and spending decreases.
  • Law 2: Check all your expenditures. This can be done by writing down  the  expenditures. There are  particular application which can help in that. Budget- i.e tell your money where to go.
  • Law 3: Create an emergency fund. Put aside money that will cater for your needs for at least 3-6 months without any other income.
  • Law 4: Lifestyle management. Manage your lifestyle such that you will be able to invest and grow as a person. Failure to manage your lifestyle can lead to one spending more than he or she makes leading to debt.
  • Law 5: Be responsible, be consistent and persistent. Never lend the amount of money that you will not be able to pay back or that is above your earnings. To add to that, kmow that some money lent to family members may not be recovered.
  • Law 6: Protect what you have. You may do so by doing bankable projects, investments or even starting a business.
  • Law 7:Continuous learning. One should equip themselves by attending seminars, reading, following experts on social networks. Have the correct social support network to continue learning.

During the discussions on this topic, it was revealed that one should not sit around and fold hands. One must exploit opportunities, build financial resilience, understand financial systems, develop the right mindset and be strategic.

The presenter concluded the topic by highlighting that among other reasons for God’s incarnation in Africa was to eliminate poverty, therefore the only obstacle between a man and success is the 'heap of excuses'. Inconclusion this topic, Evangelist K Ndlovu highlighted that most people suffer from perpetual poverty. He also emphasized the importance of baby steps and patience towards wealth creation.

On the second topic of discussion, Elder Chibanda addressed various challenges faced by young individuals in courtship and relationships, providing guidance on building healthy and fulfilling connections. The session encouraged open dialogue and provided a platform for participants to share their experiences and seek advice. The Elder defined courtship as a process of getting to know someone and to decide whether or not to pursue a more serious relationship with them. Courtship involves convincing someone on why you want to have a relationship with them. The first stage of Courtship is attraction and the next stage is a relationship.

Evangelist Dzinotyiweyi stressed out that most senior youths do not frequently attend services or any other activities that are there in the congregation hence reducing the chances of courtship. He further outlined that there are various spirits from the forefathers  who never got married or never had stable relationships. He further emphasized the power of words, that whatever we say with our mouths has the capability to change or destroy our lives. The major relationship challenges  that emerged during the discussions were that of tribalism and the intervention of parents in pre-mature relationships.

Following the engaging discussions, the participants enjoyed a lunch break, where they had the opportunity to interact and network further. The seminar continued with a team and relationship-building session conducted by Kylex Solutions. The session aimed to enhance communication, collaboration, and synergy among the attendees. As a fun and energizing activity, a photoshoot in sport outfits was organized, capturing memorable moments of the seminar. Furthermore, participants then enjoyed supper while engaging in networking activities, fostering lasting connections within seniors and lastly, hot sit chats sealed the day's event.

ln conclusion the seminar provided a valuable platform for the youth to gain insights into establishing financial stability and overcoming relationship challenges. Through engaging in discussions, informative speeches, interactive sessions, and team-building games. Participants were empowered with knowledge, skills, and a sense of camaraderie necessary for their personal, financial, and spiritual growth. The event served as a reminder of the importance of preserving cultural values and marrying within the Guta RaMwari. The seminar left a lasting impact on the youth, equipping them with the tools and motivation to establish financial freedom and wealth in  Guta RaMwari.

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