International Youth Seminar 2022

We praise God for having had the opportunity to be a part of the IYS 2022. This was all made possible through the knowledge and intelligence God has given His children, with us utilising the technology present. These are opportunities that we would otherwise not get due to living far. The congregation embracing technology has provided us GRM youths in different parts of the world a chance to partake in and receive teachings which will equip us in being knowledgeable leaders of tomorrow. The Seminar went really well and a lot of topics were covered. The ones that stood out to us were how to identify and manage stress, tools we have for conquering troubling spirits and the importance of wealth creation.


We are blessed to be called ‘children of God’ and to have the Holy Spirit within us. Our hope and prayer is that all youths love and follow the teachings that came out, become knowledgeable about their Religion and see what a blessing it is to be here and to maintain the Holy Spirit within us bu our good deeds, words and thinking.

“Knowledge is power. It is an opportunity, it will build you therefore don’t forsake the power in knowledge.”


Written by Yolanda Ndlovu (Ireland branch Youth)

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