Harare Youth Outreach

On Saturday the 21st of July 2024, a vibrant gathering of youth and elders united to engage in collaborative efforts towards fulfilling God's work at the Harare Sub-Headquarters in Budiriro . The theme of the event was "Tinokudza Sangano Nevana Vakazvipira, Sakha Ibandla Ngabantwana Abazinikeleyo" which encompassed four main topics which were

  • The roles, responsibilities, and structure of the youth executive
  • The expected conduct of a Guta Ra Mwari child
  • The concept of savings and not giving up and
  • The critical issue of drug and alcohol abuse.

Evangelist T. Zingwe began the proceedings with a focus on dedication. He highlighted the crucial role of the youth within the religion, he emphasized that youth are not just the future but also the present, underscoring the necessity for active participation to drive the religion's growth forward. Following his address, Kgabiso M Dube the Harare youth chairperson delivered a compelling speech.

The first topic was led by Holy Messenger H. Zingwe and Makanaka Chiduza, focusing on the youth executive's functions, duties, and structure. The session sparked an enthusiastic debate among the youths, concerning the election process, term of service, and the possibility of self-election by the youth. The discussions revealed a deep understanding of the religion's foundational principles by the youth as they stressed on the sacredness of these decisions and the importance of adhering to the Guta RaMwari constitution. This dialogue echoed Evangelist Zingwe's earlier sentiments, reinforcing the dual role of the youth as both the present and future of the religion. After these debates, the elders concluded the topic by bringing to everyone's awareness that the Holy Spirit of God leads anyone who has been appointed to a certain position in God's work. Referencing to the youths, the change in the Wednesday service heading topic from “Umhlangano kaMiriam” to “Ilanga labafana lamankazana, amajaha lezintombi bekhokhelwa nguNkulunkulu eGuta RaMwari” highlighting God's direct involvement in selecting leaders for His work, including the youth.

When God returned, He declared that the youth are to lead the Wednesday Services. This clarifies the role God plays in appointing His soldiers to carry out His work. Therefore, it was stressed that in Guta RaMwari, there is no reshuffling or removal of those elected to positions within executive as this would be going against God's decision to appoint the certain member.During the interludes between discussions, the atmosphere was enlivened by melodious performances, and team-building exercises that encouraged self-reflection through letter-writing activities and reciting of affirmations.

The following topic was presented by Takura Mudzimbasekwa and focused on the expected conduct of a Guta Ra Mwari child. One of the key points discussed was the importance of good morals, honesty, and kindness. In the Twelve Lessons and Fifty-Two Chapters of God’s work, (Lesson 13, Chapter 25), talks about obeying parents and the promise that all your wishes are to be granted to you when God sees fit.

Evangelist Matingwina shared insights on the importance of financial savings and not giving up. On the concept of not giving up, he discussed setting realistic goals, surrounding oneself with those who have achieved what one is striving to achieve, celebrating progress, embracing failure, and adjusting strategies when necessary—there's no harm in trying something different, such as diversifying one's business or exploring new ideas. A significant takeaway was never stopping the planning process, as one might never reach their peak performance. Staying focused on the original motivation, maintaining a sense of purpose and passion in what one does was also highlighted. In the concept of savings, the key takeaways were the importance of the idea over the amount needed to start a business, advocating for the practice of starting small. Acknowledging one's current financial situation along with advice to avoid business ventures that do not align with God's standing orders for example keeping a herd of pigs or selling alcohol. The evangelist also emphasized on the importance of not neglecting God's work due to excessive investment in personal businesses. He finished his presentation by stating that the message was to give back to God and remain consistent in prayer.

The last topic focused on drug and substance abuse presented by F Charamba & Keith Sibanda. Keith began by identifying some of the substances commonly abused as drugs. He mentioned that the origins of substance abuse began in the first world war where soldiers used medicinal drugs as coping mechanisms in the stressful environments of the war. These troubled spirits continue to cause harm today. He mentioned that one of the reasons individuals resorts to drugs is due to depression and ancestral spirits and continue to affect us in the present day in search of healing. Consequently, we were urged to remain active in God’s work, to identify these spirits at their early stages & report them to the admission clerks, to keep our bodies free from these harmful substances, stay away from friends that suffer these bad habits. A detailed explanation of drugs & substance abuse including how this can affect us can be found in the first lesson of the Twelve Lessons and Fifty-Two Chapters of God’s Work.

Keith's Presentation

In conclusion, this youth revival served as a powerful reminder of the collective responsibility to uphold and advance God's work, showcasing the dynamic engagement of the youth and their commitment to shaping the future of the religion. It highlighted the importance of attending these revival missions as more information can be shared about the religion as an hour-long service cannot go into detail about these spirits and how the work. We praise God for the successful Harare Youth Outreach, and we look forward to learning more at the next youth outreach program.

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