God’s Promise to a Guta Ra Mwari child.

February is a time of celebration at Guta Ra Mwari. We all gather to celebrate the anniversary of God’s Return on January 31st, 1961, after His Departure at the passing-on of Hist First Host on December 25, 1960. God Returned with all His Holy Messengers to restart the Work of Healing the world that brought salvation to all of us here today. We celebrate this occasion following His Teaching to us of events surrounding His Return, learning of the rejection He faced and the hardship His Host Family and The Chosen 12 Families that followed Him experienced. These events gave birth to us whom He called Children of The Promise.

Celebrations of God's Return in the early years after 1961.

His Return and our salvation that followed is our cause for celebration. He brought new life and cleansing of hardships that we each see in our unique ways.

So, what is God’s Promise to a Guta Ra Mwari child?

Guta Ra Mwari Band Members' anniversary procession celebrating God's Return.

God teaches us that children are His way of showing His love to a man and woman. They are a Gift that He makes possible to those that believe truly in Him. Some men and women come to Guta Ra Mwari unable to conceive and God blesses them with children in His time. He rewards faith with abundance for those who wait and believe in His healing. Spiritual troubles preventing conception are healed through the Holy Spirit that He places in us all, and homes are built in His Holy Way. The children that God creates in our families are born with the Holy Spirit inside them which protects and strengthens them to lead the Work of healing the world.

God’s Promise to a Guta Ra Mwari child is a life full of healing and blessings. When He Returned to live as a human being in Africa, He showed this in His first act of healing. A child of God’s Holy Host, Febi who suffered a persistent cough, was healed immediately on God’s Command, an act that showed compassion for the child. In a world of many illnesses and people seeking a place to find salvation, God’s first act was to heal a child through His Command who became the first testimony that indeed God had Returned. Children at Guta Ra Mwari cherish this act of healing as a message to them from God that He will always be with them. He Chooses them to see His Power in their lives through deeds that bring health and everlasting spiritual life.

Evangelist Chitate of The Chosen Twelve asked God for educated youth at Guta Ra Mwari. A never-ending blessing.

God entrusts children at Guta Ra Mwari with responsibility to carry out His Holy Work. On Wednesday February 1st 1961, the day after His Return, God’s first assignment of a Holy Duty to a member of Guta Ra Mwari was to a girl child to lead the Wednesday youth Service, Miriam’s congregation. This child however showed little faith and refused this blessing. The lesson to all children of Guta Ra Mwari is that God loves and chooses them to do His Work. Each child must pray for understanding of His Will in their lives and to be alert to His Blessings always. As He had showed in His first act of healing, His first act of Spiritual Assignment was to a child who failed to recognise God elevating them with Spiritual Power. God’s Promise to a Guta Ra Mwari child is that from being healed by Him, He will bless them to lead His Work of salvation to the world as they grow their faith in Him.

Throughout God’s Work since His Return, children at Guta Ra Mwari witnessed the importance placed on them and experienced the changes this brought to their lives. God Promises that a child who rejoices in Him, follows His teachings, and humbles themselves to take part in His Work will lead a fruitful life and see rewards to their greatest wishes. A Guta Ra Mwari child must pray to always be deserving of these blessings and to live a life that preserves the Holy Spirit in them.

Every February is a chance for every child to receive God’s spiritual gifts as His Holy Messengers descend to rejoice in our celebration of this anniversary. Pray and work hard to always be among His blessed ones.

Evangelists G Tshuma, BB Chimoto and FV Chinembiri dancing in celebration of the anniversary of God's Return.

6 Replies to “God’s Promise to a Guta Ra Mwari child.”

  1. What a delightful article to read and it captures the essence of our religion and the significance of the festival.

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