Remaining at Guta RaMwari after joining

By Elder Zenzo Madubeko-Sibanda

Like many places of healing, at Guta RaMwari you have the freedom to choose to stay in the religion when you have been healed or to go where your heart desires. Many people come to Guta RaMwari when they have tried and failed to find healing in many different places. When they finally receive the relief they have been searching for, they want to stay and continue being healed. Like many others in different religions, people join and remain at Guta RaMwari for all their lives. Those without spouses find love and raise families at Guta RaMwari and experience continued healing for the whole family over many decades. But what makes Guta RaMwari different from other places? Why do people arrive at Guta RaMwari and want to stay?

The answer to this can be found in the many testimonies that Guta RaMwari members share during each religious service. God sends His Holy Spirit to heal not only the main ailment that a congregant is suffering from but also the string of many troubles that he or she may not be aware of. God explains that as spiritual beings inside human bodies, we also host many of our ancestors who never leave us and want to be a part of the living world like us. They represent multiple generations of our bloodlines each wanting to receive the Holy Spirit which God has invested in us since arriving at Guta RaMwari. They therefore live within us with the troubles and ailments that affected them during their living days. We then experience these troubles and ailments randomly throughout our lives, such that when one issue is healed, we may sometimes experience another later down the line that also requires healing.

GRM members

With this understanding, people stay at Guta RaMwari because they are not just healing their individual issues but those of their bloodlines too. Maintaining their faith in God, each generation is cleansed by the Holy Spirit and is further protected and strengthened. Amid this healing, God bestows different kinds of blessings to members of Guta RaMwari according to His Will. Many families have witnessed God’s blessings breaking new ground in their lives in ways that they never thought possible. Families who have never finished school witness their children achieving high degrees and qualifications, people who struggle to find and maintain jobs see improvements in their situations, while others go on to be successfully self-employed. With continued healing at Guta RaMwari, new possibilities emerge in people’s lives through prayer, hard work, and faith.

Remaining at Guta RaMwari is therefore a blessing that one prays for after receiving healing. The blessing is prayed for because it is easy to get carried away and forget how you were healed when your troubles have gone. God calls each one of us to deliver our troubles to Him at Guta RaMwari and it is our deeds and prayers to Him that keep us at this place of healing.

Come and find healing at Guta RaMwari.

By Elder Zenzo Madubeko-Sibanda

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